Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Zombie Blondes by Brian James

A standard young adult story with typical high school issues like popularity and cliques but with a Zombie twist. I actually enjoyed this story. It was a quick read and not monotonous or predictable. A few curve-balls in the plot keep it suspenseful and I really liked the main character, Hannah. She is smart and tough with an unassuming beauty. A welcome break from the heavy and deep topics like war and abuse that are common in YA stories. Guys will like it a lot even though the main character is a girl. The author is a pretty cool dude after all. He wrote Pure Sunshine and Tomorrow, Maybe which are both popular with the guys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am currently reading this book and I think so far it is pretty good. And you're right. It is a quick fun read. I really enjoying it. :)